Architecture Design

Architecture Design

Due to our long-standing vendor partnerships and our passion for innovation, DataOne’s solution architects have the experience and technical know-how to architect customized scalable platforms that will perform for years to come. Including DataOne early in the strategic architecture and design phases of IT lifecycle decisions is a winning strategy―and it comes at no cost. DataOne offers this service free as part of the value we deliver every day. Superb value is what you can come to expect from our solution architects, and the following details are covered in every engagement:


  1. Size and provision
  2. Design and tech edit
  3. Visio diagrams
  4. Proof of concept procedure
  5. Statement of work development
  6. Pricing and time frame details
  7. Finalize quote and terms

Integration and testing and we perform interoperability and environment reviews to certify the proper technical and physical fit, and that all your business goals are being ensured. What’s more, we’re able to scale operationally to perform large scale rollouts that can serve your entire enterprise—and put your mind at ease.

On-site installation services include comprehensive racking, installation and cabling of servers, professional and organized wiring, disposal of all unneeded materials, and more. Our goal is to reduce

the amount of resources needed by your team to carry out these deployments while simultaneously reducing impact on your daily business operations.

At the highest level, implementation services include the following:

  1. Source materials
  2. Prepare for and build solution
  3. Update revisions
  4. Burn in and test configuration
  5. Deliver and install
  6. Hand off to client team for deployment

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